After successfully deploying Meshery, you can access Meshery’s web-based user interface. Your default browser will be automatically opened and directed to Meshery UI (default location is http://localhost:9081).

You can use the following command to open Meshery UI in your default browser:

mesheryctl system dashboard

If you have installed Meshery on Kubernetes or a remote host, you can access Meshery UI by exposing it as a Kubernetes service or by port forwarding to Meshery UI.

mesheryctl system dashboard --port-forward

Depending upon how you have networking configured in Kubernetes, alternatively, you can use kubectl to port forward to Meshery UI.

kubectl port-forward svc/meshery 9081:9081 --namespace meshery
Customizing Meshery Provider Callback URL Customize your Meshery Provider Callback URL. Meshery Server supports customizing authentication flow callback URL, which can be configured in the following way:
$ MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL=https://custom-host mesheryctl system start

Meshery should now be running in your Kubernetes cluster and Meshery UI should be accessible at the `EXTERNAL IP` of `meshery` service.

Production deployments are recommended to access Meshery UI by setting up a reverse proxy or by using a LoadBalancer.

Log into the Provider of your choice.