mesheryctl pattern import

Import a Meshery design


	Import Helm Charts, Kubernetes Manifest, Docker Compose or Meshery designs by passing
	remote URL or local file system path to the file. Source type must be provided.

	YAML and TGZ (with helm only) format of file is accepted, if you are importing Meshery Design OCI file format is also supported

	If you are providing remote URL, it should be a direct URL to a downloadable file. 
	For example, if the file is stored on GitHub, the URL should be ''.
mesheryctl pattern import [flags]


Import pattern manifest

mesheryctl pattern import -f [file/URL] -s [source-type] -n [name]


-f, --file string Path/URL to pattern file -h, --help help for import -n, --name string Name for the pattern file -s, --source-type string Type of source file (ex. manifest / compose / helm / design)

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string path to config file (default "/home/runner/.meshery/config.yaml") -t, --token string Path to token file default from current context -v, --verbose verbose output

See Also

Go back to command reference index, if you want to add content manually to the CLI documentation, please refer to the instruction for guidance.