mesheryctl mesh validate

Validate conformance to predefined standards


Validate predefined conformance to different standard specifications

mesheryctl mesh validate [flags]


Validate conformance to predefined standards

mesheryctl mesh validate [mesh name] --adapter [name of the adapter] --tokenPath [path to token for authentication] --spec [specification to be used for conformance test] --namespace [namespace to be used]

Validate Istio to predefined standards

mesheryctl mesh validate istio --adapter meshery-istio --spec smi


-a, --adapter string (Required) Adapter to use for validation (default "meshery-nsm") -h, --help help for validate -s, --spec string (Required) specification to be used for conformance test (smi/istio-vet) (default "smi") -t, --token string Path to token for authenticating to Meshery API -w, --watch Watch for events and verify operation (in beta testing)

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string path to config file (default "/home/runner/.meshery/config.yaml") -v, --verbose verbose output


Usage of mesheryctl mesh validate mesh-validate-usage

See Also

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