Command Line Reference

Categories and Command Structure

Meshery CLI commands are categorized by function, which are:

  • mesheryctl - Global flags and CLI configuration
  • mesheryctl system - Meshery Lifecycle and Troubleshooting
  • mesheryctl mesh - Cloud Native Lifecycle & Configuration Management: provisioning and configuration best practices
  • mesheryctl perf - Cloud Native Performance Management: Workload and cloud native performance characterization
  • mesheryctl pattern - Cloud Native Pattern Configuration & Management: cloud native patterns and Open Application Model integration
  • mesheryctl app - Cloud Native Application Management
  • mesheryctl filter - Data Plane Intelligence: Registry and configuration of WebAssembly filters for Envoy
  • mesheryctl registry - Meshery’s Registry Management: Manage the state and contents of Meshery’s internal registry of capabilities.
  • mesheryctl exp - Experimental features

Global Commands and Flags

Command Subcommand Flag Function
mesheryctl A global command that displays an overview of all commands.
--config configures Meshery with the meshconfig, generated with the help of user details to provide cluster access for public clouds(GKE/EKS).
--help, -h Displays helpful information about any command.
--verbose, -v Sets the log level to debug for verbose output and displays verboose/debug logs.
version Displays the version of the Meshery Client (mesheryctl) and the SHA of the release binary.
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell.

Meshery Lifecycle Management and Troubleshooting

Installation, troubleshooting and debugging of Meshery and its adapters

Main Command Arguments Flag Function
system Lifecycle management of Meshery deployments
--context, -c Temporarily override your current context by specifying an alternative context as an argument.
start Start Meshery
--skip-update (optional) skip checking for new updates available in Meshery.
--reset Reset Meshery’s configuration file to default settings.
--skip-browser (optional) skip opening of MesheryUI in browser.
--platform, -p platform to deploy Meshery to.
stop Stop Meshery
--reset Reset Meshery’s configuration file to default settings.
--keep-namespace (optional) keep the Meshery namespace during uninstallation
--force (optional) uninstall Meshery resources forcefully
update Pull new Meshery images from Docker Hub. Does not update `mesheryctl`. This command may be executed while Meshery is running.
--skip-reset Pull the latest manifest files
config Configures Meshery to use a Kubernetes cluster.
--token Path to token for authenticating to Meshery API.
reset Resets meshery.yaml file with a copy from Meshery repo
logs Starts tailing Meshery server debug logs
--follow, -f (Optional) Follow the stream of the Meshery's logs. Defaults to false.
restart restart all Meshery containers, their instances and their connected volumes
--skip-update (optional) skip checking for new updates available in Meshery.
status Check status of Meshery, Meshery adapters, Meshery Operator and its controllers.
--verbose, -v (optional) Extra data in status table
dashboard Open Meshery UI in browser.
--port-forward (optional) Use port forwarding to access Meshery UI
--skip-browser (optional) skip opening of MesheryUI in browser.
login Authenticate with the Meshery Provider of your choice: the Local Provider or a Remote Provider.
--provider, -p Login Meshery with specified provider
logout Invalidate current session with your Meshery Provider.
check Run system checks for both pre and post mesh deployment scenarios on Meshery
--preflight, --pre Run Pre-mesh deployment checks (Docker and Kubernetes)
--adapter Run checks on specific mesh adapter
--operator Verify the health of Meshery Operator's deployment with MeshSync and Broker
--adapters Check status of meshery adapters
--components Check status of Meshery components
system channel Switch between release channels.
set Subscribe to release channel and version.
switch switch release channel and version
view view release channel and version
--all, -a view release channel and version
system context Display the current context.
create create a new context in config.yaml file
--components, -a create a new context in config.yaml file- specify the list of adapters to be added
--set, -s create a new context in config.yaml file- set as current context
--url, -u create a new context in config.yaml file- set Meshery server URL. Defaults to "https://localhost:9081"
--platform, -p Platform to deploy Meshery
delete delete an existing context from Meshery config file
view view the configurations of the current context
--context, -c view the configurations of the specified context
--all if set, shows the configurations of all the contexts
switch configure mesheryctl to actively use one one context vs. the another context
list List all contexts present
system provider Enforce a provider. Choose between available Meshery providers
list List available providers from meshconfig
reset Reset provider for current context to default (Meshery)
switch Switch provider of context in focus and redeploy Meshery
view View current provider value
--all, -a Show provider for all contexts
set Set provider to desired value
--force Force set the provider

Cloud Native Performance Management

Main Command Arguments Flag Function
perf Performance Management and Benchmarking using Meshery CLI
--output-format, -o format to display in json or yaml.
--token (required) Path to Meshery user's access token.
apply Runs Performance test using existing profiles or using flags.
--concurrent-requests Number of Parallel Requests (default: 1).
--duration Length of the test.
--file Path to cloud native performance test configuration file (default: empty string).
--load-generator Choice of load generator - fortio (OR) wrk2 (default: fortio).
--mesh Name of the system under test.
--name A memorable name for the test (default: random string).
--qps Queries per second (default: 0) (0 - means to use the CPU unbounded to generate as many requests as possible).
--url (required/optional) URL of the endpoint send load to during testing.
--cert-path (optional) Path to the certificate to be used for the load test
--disable-cert (optional) Do not use certificate present in the profil
profile List all the available performance profiles
--page, -p (optional) List next set of performance profiles with --page (default = 1) (default 1).
--view (optional) View more information of the performance profile.
result View the results of a performance profile.
--page, -p (optional) List next set of performance results with --page (default = 1) (default 1).
--view (optional) View more information of the performance test results.

Cloud Native Lifecycle and Configuration Management

Main Command Command Flag Function
mesh Lifecycle management of cloud native infrastructure
validate validate configuration conformance to different standard specifications
--adapter, -a (required) adapter to use for validation. Defaults to "meshery-osm:10010"
--namespace, -n Kubernetes namespace to be used for deploying the validation tests and sample workload
--spec, -s (required) specification to be used for conformance test. Defaults to "smi"
--tokenpath, -t (required) path to token for authenticating to Meshery API
remove Remove service mesh in the connected Kubernetes cluster
--namespace, -n Kubernetes namespace to be used for removing a service mesh under a specific namespace
deploy Deploy a service mesh into the cluster
--adapter, -a (required) adapter to use for validation. Defaults to "meshery-osm:10010"
--namespace, -n Kubernetes namespace to be used for deploying the validation tests and sample workload
--tokenpath, -t (required) path to token for authenticating to Meshery API

Cloud Native Pattern Configuration and Management

Main Command Command Flag Function
pattern Manage cloud native infrastructure using predefined patterns
apply apply pattern file will trigger deploy of the pattern file
--file, -f apply pattern file will trigger deploy of the pattern file and also supports file retrieval from GitHub
view displays the contents of a specific pattern file
--all, -a show all pattern file content
-o json display the content of a pattern in json format
list displays a list of available pattern files
--all, -a show all pattern file metadata
delete Deprovision cloud native infrastructure using a design /pattern file
--file, -f Deletes the resources that were created, using pattern file

Cloud Native Application Management

Main Command Command Flag Function

Data Plane Intelligence

Main Command Command Flag Function
filter Service Mesh Filter Management
import Upload WASM filter file to Meshery Server
--name, -n (optional) filter name
--wasm-config, -w (optional) WASM configuration filepath/string
delete Delete filter from Meshery Server
list List all WASM filters
--verbose, -v Display full length user and filter file identifiers
view View the specified WASM filter
--all, -a (optional) view all filters available
--output-format, -o (optional) format to display in [json|yaml] (default "yaml")

Meshery Registry Management

Command Subcommand Flag Function
registry Manage the state and contents of Meshery's internal registry of capabilities.
--help, -h help for registry
publish Publish Meshery Models to Websites, Remote Provider, Meshery Server
--output-format, -o (optional) format to display in [md | mdx | js]
update Update the registry with latest data.
--input, -i (optional) path to capability file
--spreadsheet-cred base64 encoded credential to download the spreadsheet
--spreadsheet-id id of the spreadsheet to download
generate Generate Models to the registry
--output-format, -o (optional) format to display in [md | mdx | js]
--registrant-cred path pointing to the registrant credetial definition
--registrant-def path pointing to the registrant connection definition
--spreadsheet-cred base64 encoded credential to download the spreadsheet
--spreadsheet-id id of the spreadsheet to download

Experimental Features

Command Subcommand Flag Function
registry Experimental features

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