mesheryctl registry publish

Publish Meshery Models to Websites, Remote Provider, Meshery Server


Publishes metadata about Meshery Models to Websites, Remote Provider, or Meshery Server, including model and component icons by reading from a Google Spreadsheet and outputing to markdown or json format.

mesheryctl registry publish [system] [google-sheet-credential] [sheet-id] [models-output-path] [imgs-output-path] [flags]


Publish To System

mesheryctl registry publish [system] [google-sheet-credential] [sheet-id] [models-output-path] [imgs-output-path] -o [output-format]

Publish To Meshery

mesheryctl registry publish meshery GoogleCredential GoogleSheetID [repo]/server/meshmodel

Publish To Remote Provider

mesheryctl registry publish remote-provider GoogleCredential GoogleSheetID [repo]/meshmodels/models [repo]/ui/public/img/meshmodels

Publish To Website

mesheryctl registry publish website GoogleCredential GoogleSheetID [repo]/integrations [repo]/ui/public/img/meshmodels

Publishing to meshery docs

cd docs;
mesheryctl registry publish website $CRED 1DZHnzxYWOlJ69Oguz4LkRVTFM79kC2tuvdwizOJmeMw docs/pages/integrations docs/assets/img/integrations -o md

Publishing to mesheryio site

mesheryctl registry publish website $CRED 1DZHnzxYWOlJ69Oguz4LkRVTFM79kC2tuvdwizOJmeMw -o js

Publishing to layer5 site

mesheryctl registry publish website $CRED 1DZHnzxYWOlJ69Oguz4LkRVTFM79kC2tuvdwizOJmeMw layer5/src/collections/integrations layer5/src/collections/integrations -o mdx

Publishing to any website

mesheryctl registry publish website $CRED 1DZHnzxYWOlJ69Oguz4LkRVTFM79kC2tuvdwizOJmeMw path/to/models path/to/icons -o mdx


-h, --help help for publish -o, --output-format string output format [md | mdx | js]

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string path to config file (default "/home/runner/.meshery/config.yaml") -v, --verbose verbose output

See Also

Go back to command reference index, if you want to add content manually to the CLI documentation, please refer to the instruction for guidance.