mesheryctl pattern export

Export a design from Meshery


The β€˜export’ command allows you to export a specific design from your Meshery server. You can specify the design by its name or ID and optionally define the type of design. The command also supports specifying an output directory where the exported design will be saved. By default, the exported design will be saved in the current directory. The different types of design type allowed are oci, original, and current. The default design type is current.

mesheryctl pattern export [pattern-name | ID] [flags]


# Export a design with a specific ID
mesheryctl pattern export [pattern-name | ID]
# Export a design with a specific ID and type
mesheryctl pattern export [pattern-name | ID] --type [design-type]
# Export a design and save it to a specific directory
mesheryctl pattern export [pattern-name | ID] --output ./designs
# Export a design with a specific type and save it to a directory
mesheryctl pattern export [pattern-name | ID] --type [design-type] --output ./exports


-h, --help help for export -o, --output string Specify the output directory to save the design --type string Specify the design type to export

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string path to config file (default "/home/runner/.meshery/config.yaml") -t, --token string Path to token file default from current context -v, --verbose verbose output

See Also

Go back to command reference index, if you want to add content manually to the CLI documentation, please refer to the instruction for guidance.