
In Meshery, a Component is a fundamental building block used to represent and define the infrastructure under management. Each component provides granular and specific support for your infrastructure and applications. Each component represents a distinct capability or feature, like a specific service, protocol, or configuration element. Components can be semantically meaningful (orchestratable) or non-semantically meaningful (an annotation).

Components as building blocks

Meshery Models and their packaged Components represent a standardized and reusable collection of building blocks used to describe both the desired and actual configuration of infrastructure pre and post-deployment. More than this Components are using to describe non-infrastructure concepts, for example, a component might capture a comment or a visual element that you’ve placed into a Meshery Design. To aid in distinguishing between types of Components, they are categorized into two groups: Semantic and Non-Semantic components. A component is considered semantically meaningful when it behaves as a direct representation of an aspect of your infrastructure. A component is considered non-semantically meaningful when it behaves as an annotation to aid in the comprehension of your designs.

Once registered with Meshery Server (in the Registry), components are available for inclusion in Designs that you create. Components can be created and published by anyone, allowing you to share you custom extensions with the community. This fosters a collaborative ecosystem where you can leverage and contribute to the growing collection of Meshery components.

Components having the same kind, apiVersion and attributes are considered duplicates.