Collaborative and visual infrastructure as design for TerraformWhat are Meshery Models and Components?
Meshery Models and Components represent the fundamental building blocks of your infrastructure. Use them to define the structure and configuration of your infrastructure and deployments by incorporating their use into a Design. Think of Designs as blueprints or templates that encapsulate everything from network configurations to service definitions.
Learn more about Models, Components, Relationships, and Designs
What is the Meshery Registry
The Meshery Registry is a vital component within Meshery, serving as a centralized repository for managing a diverse range of cloud and cloud native resources. It stores and organizes crucial information such as models, categories, components, and relationships, enabling efficient interaction and utilization of these resources within the Meshery ecosystem. You can conveniently access and manage registry data through Meshery UI, and through Meshery CLI (mesheryctl registry).Learn more about the Registry
Designs containing Terraform
Related Models in Provisioning
- Azure Active Directory (AAD)
- Accurate
- EPAM Delivery Platform
- Akri
- Athenz
- AWS Applilcation Autoscaling
- AWS Elastic Container Registry
- AWS Elastic Container Service
- AWS MemoryDB for Redis
- AWS Node Termination Handler
- Amazon Web Services
- Azure Orkestra
- Capsule Proxy
- Cdk For Kubernetes (Cdk8S)
- cert-manager
- Cloud Custodian
- Curiefense
- Devstream
- Dex
- Jfrog Distribution
- Dragonfly
- EDP Argocd Operator
- EDP Component Operator
- EDP Install
- External Secrets Operator
- Falco
- Flyte Sandbox
- Google Cloud Platform
- Harbor Operator
- Hexa
- Identity Manager
- in-toto
- Karpenter
- Keylime
- Kubernetes UI Server
- Kubedl
- Kubeform Provider AWS
- Kubegems Edge
- Kubegems Installer
- Kubegems Local
- Kubegems Models
- Kubegems
- Kubeslice Worker
- Kyverno Monitor
- Kyverno Operator
- Notary
- ondat-operator
- Rook Ceph Cluster
- supabase
- Superedge
- Teller
- Tenant Operator
- Tinkerbell
- Tuf
- Vald Helm Operator
- Vault Config Operator
- Vault Operator
- Vault Secrets