Importing Models

Import your existing Models and existing custom resource definition (CRD) into Meshery. The platform supports a variety of application definition formats, and you can import designs using either the Meshery CLI or the Meshery UI.

Note: A Model can be only imported if it contains atleast a valid Component or Relationship.

Import Models Using Meshery CLI

Step 1: Install Meshery CLI

Before you can use the Meshery CLI to import a Model, you must first install it. You can install Meshery CLI by following the instructions.

Step 2: Import the Model

Model can imported in 2 different format URL, File.The only cretiria for this import is the model should be a Meshery exported Model.

mesheryctl model import -f [file/url]

The supported registrant are github,meshery and artifacthub.The URL format must be in this order.{owner}/{repo}/raw/refs/heads/main/filename

Example :

mesheryctl model import -f istio-base.tar
mesheryctl model import -f "{owner}/{repo}/raw/refs/heads/main/filename"

Import Models Using Meshery UI

Step 1: Access the Meshery UI

To import a model into Meshery using the Meshery UI, you must first install Meshery

Step 2: Navigate to Registry under Settings Page

Once you have accessed the Meshery UI, navigate to the Registry under Settings. This page can be accessed by clicking on the Settings on the top right on setting icon and then selecting β€œRegistry” and then choose model.


Step 3: Upload the Model

On the Registry page, you can import your model clicking the import button in registry page. Selecting URL or File and then hitting Import

This Meshery model will include components, relationships.


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