Quick Start with Docker Extension

The Docker Extension for Meshery extends Docker Desktop’s position as the developer’s go-to Kubernetes environment with easy access to full the capabilities of Meshery’s collaborative cloud native management features.

Install the Docker Meshery Extension

Select one of the following three options to install the Docker Meshery Extension:

Using Docker Desktop

Navigate to the Extensions Marketplace of Docker Desktop. From the Dashboard, select Add Extensions in the menu bar or open the Extensions Marketplace from the menu options.

Docker Meshery Extension

Using Docker Hub

You can find the Docker Meshery Extension in Docker Hub marketplace to install the Docker Meshery Extension.

Using Docker CLI

Meshery runs as a set of one or more containers inside your Docker Desktop virtual machine.

docker extension install meshery/docker-extension-meshery
docker extension install meshery/docker-extension-meshery Successfully installed Meshery mesheryctl system dashboard

Remove Meshery as a Docker Extension

If you want to remove Meshery as a Docker extension from your system, follow these steps:

Stop Meshery Container:

  • First, stop the running Meshery container (if it’s currently running) using the following Docker command:
$ docker stop meshery-container

Remove Meshery Container:

  • After stopping the container, you can remove it using the following command:
$ docker rm meshery-container

Remove Meshery Images:

  • Meshery might have pulled Docker images for its components. You can remove these images using the docker rmi command. Replace the image names with the actual ones you want to remove:
$ docker rmi meshery/meshery:latest
$ docker rmi meshery/adapters:latest

…and so on for other Meshery-related images

Remove Meshery Volumes (if necessary):

  • Meshery may have created Docker volumes to persist data. You can list and remove these volumes using the docker volume ls and docker volume rm commands. For example:
$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume rm meshery-data-volume

…remove other Meshery-related volumes if present

Remove Docker Network (if necessary):

  • If Meshery created a custom Docker network, you can remove it using the docker network rm command. For example:
$ docker network rm meshery-network

Clean Up Configuration (optional):

  • If Meshery created configuration files or directories on your host machine, you can remove them manually if you no longer need them.

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Suggested Reading

  • Docker - Install Meshery on Docker