Contributing to Meshery CLI End-to-End Tests

Meshery CLI is the command line interface for Meshery. Meshery CLI, otherwise known as mesheryctl, is a client of Meshery Server’s REST API. It provides a way to interact with Meshery and perform various operations such as installing, configuring, and managing cloud native infrastructure.

This document is intended to help you contribute to the end-to-end tests for mesheryctl, the Meshery CLI. It is designed to be a guide for developers who are new to the project and want to contribute to the testing of mesheryctl.

The end-to-end tests for mesheryctl are designed to ensure that the CLI is working as expected and that it is compatible with the various cloud native infrastructure and public cloud services that Meshery supports. These tests are run automatically on every pull request to ensure that any changes made to the code do not break the existing functionality of the CLI.

Meshery CLI Reference Documents

Familiarizing with Meshery CLI End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing of mesheryctl uses the Bash Automated Testing System (BATS) framework to define and execute CLI tests. Each test case is designed to mimic the experience that a Meshery CLI user might have while interacting with mesheryctl in their terminal of choice. In this sense, mesheryctl tests run end-to-end with each pull request submitted containing changes to either the /mesheryctl or the /server directories in the meshery/meshery repository, ensuring that changes included in those pull requests do not break the existing CLI functionality.


Before diving into mesheryctl’s testing environment, certain prerequisites must be met to ensure a smooth testing experience. These prerequisites include:

  • A working installation of Meshery CLI and Meshery Server.
    • A verified account in your chosen provider which integrate with Meshery.
  • A working installation of the BATS testing framework.
    • bash as shell terminal.
  • [Optional] A working installation of a Kubernetes cluster (Minikube, Kind, etc.) for testing Kubernetes-related functionality.
  • jq and yq, tools for processing JSON and YAML inputs, respectively.


To run the tests successfully, you need be logged in to your Meshery account. This is required to access the Meshery Server and perform operations on it. Whether using the local or a remote provider, you will need to generate a token from your user account to use while writing and executing tests.

Remote Provider Example

If you are using Layer5 Cloud as your remote provider, you can generate and download an API token from your user account for use while writing and executing tests.

Verify your API Token

mesheryctl system check

If you see this error message - Error: !! Authentication token not found. Please supply a valid user token. Login with mesheryctl system login, you will need to authenticate using the command:

mesheryctl system login

Starting Meshery Server

There are a few ways to set up the Meshery server, but for end-to-end testing, we aim to get as close to a production environment as possible. We know developers might need to make some tweaks for Server. Rebuilding the whole project can take time, and we don’t support hot reload because it’s more for development than for end-to-end testing.

make server

Be aware that some test cases require the availability of a Kubernetes cluster and one or more Meshery Adapters. In those cases, please refer to the [installation guides]/installation) (like that of installing Meshery on Minikube).

Setup Bats Core

For Bats Core, always try to use a BATS-native OS whenever possible. This is because BATS Core does not support Windows. If you are using Windows, you can use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to run BATS Core. See the official BATS installation documentation for more information on how to install BATS Core on your system. Here are quick start steps.

MacOS (homebrew)

brew install bats-core

Any OS (npm)

npm install -g bats

Windows (from source via bash)

Check out a copy of the Bats repository and install it to $HOME. This will place the bats executable in $HOME/bin, which will need to be added in $PATH.

git clone
cd bats-core
./ $HOME

Some tests could use bats libraires as helpers to create the tests suite.

Setup Dependencies

There are needed dependencies to test whether the server is up and running. Resolve them by navigating to meshery/mesheryctl directory and then executing:

  make e2e-libs

Writing End-to-End Test Cases

Once all prerequisites have been met, you are setup to run, add, update new test cases.To keep the development of tests consistents and maintainable, we have put some guidance on implementation process which are describe above.

Folder structure

The tests will be available inmesheryctl/tests/e2e folder with the following structure which is done to follow the code base structure of mesheryctl.

β”œβ”€β”€ aaa-<command>
β”œβ”€β”€ bbb-<command>
β”œβ”€β”€ ...
β”œβ”€β”€ yyy-<command>
β”œβ”€β”€ zzz-<command>
β”œβ”€β”€ helpers
β”œβ”€β”€ run_tests.bash
β”œβ”€β”€ setup_suite.bash
└── teardown_suite.bash

Test Case Naming Convention

Bats will run the tests sequentially so we use a prefix code alphanumeric to be able to order tests as required when necessary. The prefix code is used to order the tests in a way that makes sense for the command under test. The prefix code is used to group the tests by command and subcommand. The prefix code is also used to order the tests within the command and subcommand. For example, you need to import a Meshery Model before being able to view the details of that model

Test Folder

  • prefix: 3 digits alphanumeric code
  • name: command under test

Example: 011-design

Test File

  • prefix: 2 digits numeric code
  • name: subcommand under test
  • extension: bats

Example: 05-list.bats

For consistency, we will keep the prefix 00- for the command under test in the folder and subcommands will start at 01-. Here an example with mesheryctl model command:

β”œβ”€β”€ 00-model.bats
└── 01-model-list.bats

Run End-to-End (locally)

Make sure you are in meshery/mesheryctl directory

Run all tests

make e2e

Run a specific test file

Switch to the directory containing the test file and execute:

MESHERYCTL_BIN=<path to mesheryctl binary> bats <file_name>.bats

More on running tests locally

Breaking down the execution of make e2e, two commands are executed before subsequent commands are run;

  • make: which builds the binary and
  • e2e-libs: which gets needed dependencies for running the tests.

These steps can become redundant if you’re not running the end-to-end tests for the first time.

It is important to point out that there are other ways to run end-to-end tests locally. To use these, ensure you are in the meshery/mesheryctl/tets/e2e directory.

Run tests with already built binary

This excludes the need to build the binary everytime there is an attempt to run all the tests.


NB: This works if there is an existing mesheryctl binary. If there isn’t, the binary will be built.

Enforce rebuilding the binary

This involves parsing a flag for the binry to be built whether it exists or not. This comes in handy when you have local changes and possibly will like to test.

  bash -b

Find Tests here

Refer to Meshery Test Plan for test scenarios.


This document is incomplete. Help wanted! πŸ˜ƒ

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